The Masonic Craft Past Masters Jewel

The Masonic Craft Past Masters Jewel - Masonic Medals & Jewels
The Masonic Craft Past Masters Jewel - Breast Jewel, Obverse.

The Masonic Craft Past Masters Jewel is a decoration that signifies leadership and accomplishment among Freemasons.

In Freemasonry, a Past Master refers to an individual who has previously served as the Worshipful Master of a Masonic Lodge. The title “Worshipful Master” is the formal designation for the presiding officer of a Masonic Lodge during their term of office. Once a Worshipful Master completes their tenure, they are referred to as a Past Master.

A Masonic Craft Past Master, therefore, is a Freemason who has held the position of Worshipful Master in a Masonic Craft Lodge. Past Masters often play important roles within their lodges and the broader Masonic community, providing guidance, wisdom, and leadership based on their experience in the chair. They may also participate in Masonic rituals and ceremonies, offering their knowledge and expertise to support the lodge and its members.

The Masonic Craft Past Masters Jewel Design

The jewel’s crest is made of metal gilt. It consists of the Square, the Compasses, and an Arc of a Circle in Scotland, the Square and Compasses with the capital ‘G’ in the center in Ireland, and in England, it has been the Square with the 47th Proposition of Euclid pendent within it. The shape of this jewel varies slightly depending on the region, but it commonly includes these symbolic elements.

The light blue or turquoise ribbon that accompanies the jewel is significant as well, as the color is one of the primary colors associated with Freemasonry. It represents the virtues of friendship, fidelity, and truth, which are central to the Masonic ethos.

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