The Order of Secret Monitor Jewel

The Order of Secret Monitor Jewel - Masonic Medals & Jewels
The Order of Secret Monitor Jewel - 2nd Degree, Obverse.

The Order of Secret Monitor Jewel is a decoration of the Brotherhood of David and Jonathan, a fraternal organization within Freemasonry.

The Order of the Secret Monitor is based on the biblical story of the friendship between David, the future king of Israel, and Jonathan, the son of King Saul. In Freemasonry, this story is interpreted as a symbol of fidelity, loyalty, and brotherly love.

This is a Society framed upon the principles of self sacrifice; of mutual trust, watchful Brotherly care; of warning in time of danger; solace in time of sorrow; and skillful and effective friendly advice in every circumstance of life: A Society that meets a great and crying need in human affairs and is calculated to benefit those who act up to its tenets.

The primary aim of the Order of the Secret Monitor is to promote these values among its members and within the broader community. It does so through ritual ceremonies, lectures, and discussions that explore the themes of friendship, loyalty, and mutual support.

Membership in the Order of the Secret Monitor is open to Master Masons who are in good standing with their respective lodges. The organization is structured into individual units called Conclaves, each led by a Supreme Ruler. 

The Order consists of three Degrees:

  • Induction ceremony
  • Princes or admission Degree
  • Third Degree, during which a Brother is Installed as the Supreme Ruler of his Conclave.

The Order of Secret Monitor Jewel Design

The Order’s jewel is suspended from a collar of yellow and violet hues and a sash of matching colors.

The Supreme Ruler’s rank, along with the name and number of the Conclave, is embroidered in silver wire.

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